Our third and final contestant for the strength and muscle gain competition is Amy!
Now Amy did start a week before the other two girls because she had a holiday booked and I wanted to make some progress and do some good work before a holiday blow out!

I've always been interested in lifting weights. I nearly fell off the Treadmill a million times spying on what people were doing in the weights area. Of course I never dared to enter, I just used one or two of the machines nice and light because I didn't want to get big muscles lol! So when I saw BFits post on Facebook I was delighted thought it was my chance to see what all the fuss was about!
So off I went to get measured weighed etc, being honest I thought this was going to be a walk in the park it had to be easier than jogging the bypass! Oh god how I was wrong!I could not believe how under educated I was when it came to the benefits of not only lifting but lifting heavy! I always thought I was fairly strong having been referred to most of my life as " A fine strong girl" but I was weak especially my upper body! During the first week if I had a euro for every time Anthony told me "your going to be sore tomorrow" I could have taken a trip to the Harley medical group and all my troubles would be over ( JOKE I would never resort to plastic surgery to get the body of my dreams unless I win the euro millions! ). Of course Anthony was right and I was in AGONY! I went on a camping trip that first weekend with my family and here's the list of things I couldn't do or had serious trouble doing : tie up or wash my hair or even move my hands above my head, get in or out of the car, drive, bend down, sit on the toilet, pitch the bloody tent. My family were saying I was mad and that fella in the gym has me working too hard but I kept going! I can't say I enjoyed the pain that first week i thought it was torture!The support I'm getting is great and Anthony is always there motivating me making sure i give 100% because if I'm honest I've a tendency to give in when the going gets tough so this is where ill be challenged most! I'm off to Lanzorate in the morning and I intend on doing at least 3 days at the gym! Everyone thinks its hilarious and that i wont go but I will prove them wrong ! Ill even take photographic evidence to prove I was there!
I will be looking for that photographic evidence when you get back!!
Check back next week to stay up to date with how the girls are doing.