Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Protein and Protein Powders

For a lot of people sports and food supplements can be a minefield of misinformation. One company promises that their product will make you gain 10lbs of lean muscle another says you will lose 20lbs in a month from using their product
So which product is for you? How do you filter through the bull crap?Do you need them at all?
These are questions that I have asked myself in the past and questions I have been asked by clients over the years. 

And the answer is.......It Depends!

It Depends on:

  • The individual
  • Your specific goals
  • Your type of training session or plan
  • Your current Nutrition Plan
There's a bit more to consider than you would think because supplements exist to supplement an area of your diet that needs a bo - st. But for the most part weather you are gaining muscle or losing fat you should be supplementing with a protein shake after your workouts. The aim of this shake is to help with recovery.Whey protein alone will not make you gain massive muscle. There are other products on the market for that specific goals such as mass gainers and some creatine based products.

For Muscle Recovery I Use Whey Protein

Proteins are made up of amino acids which are combined together in a variety of ways.

There are 20 naturally occurring amino acids. The human body can manufacture most of these, however, there are eight essential amino acids that can only be provided by eating foods containing them. Every cell in the body uses proteins, which constantly being used up and replaced.

Our Muscles need protein to help them grow and rebuild from intense workouts. When you workout your aim is to make tiny tears in your muscle fibers in order for them to adapt and change. Protein helps to build back the torn muscle fibers and become stronger or bigger depending in the type of training you have done.

Immediately after finishing a training session(within 30 mins) you should try to consume some easy to digest protein so you can feed the muscle with the nutrients it requires. A simple whey protein shake generally has all these nutrients. 

Now some people might ask why not have a breast of chicken or a steak even. The downside to this is that can take up to 2 hours before your body digests solid foods and breaks down the nutrients to a form that can pass into your blood stream and to the muscles that need them. Protein shakes are liquid form so are easily digested and get into your blood stream almost straight away in some cases. 

Aim to consume between 1.4g and 1.8g per kilo of body weight per day. So if you weigh 70kg, you would need between 98g and 126g per day. If you are having 5 meals per day then you should be consuming 19.6g - 25.2g per meal.

Whey Protein is a by product of the cheese making process. When buying protein it is important to check the the ingredients so you are getting the best quality protein for your budget. Protein is measure in BV(Biological Value). Without getting into it too much you have 3 basic different qualities of whey protein used in Shakes and they are defined by the filtering processes they go through. Some brands will be a blend of all three.

  1. Whey Protein Hydrolysate - Protein hydrolysate has special application in sports and sports medicine because its consumption allows amino acids to be absorbed by the body more rapidly than intact proteins such a isolate or concentrate, thus maximizing nutrient delivery to muscle tissues. 
  2. Whey Protein IsolateWhey isolates have had their base component (water) removed and are generally considered almost lactose and cholesterol free — they are at least 90% protein by weight.Whey isolates yield a higher percentage of pure protein and can be filtered enough to be virtually lactose free, carbohydrate free, fat free, and cholesterol free. 
  3. Whey Protein ConcentrateConcentrates have typically a low (but still significant) level of fat and cholesterol but, in general, compared to the other forms of whey protein, have higher levels of bio-active compounds, and carbohydrates in the form of lactose — they are 29%–89% protein by weight. The amount of protein by weight will really show through in the price.

The reality is we have all consumed a whey protein supplement at some stage in our lives. If you read the nutritional profile and ingredients in baby formula you will see Whey and Casein protein listed on the ingredients!

My favourite brand would be optimum nutrition - 100% Whey, but I have also used - BSN, Gaspari, PHD, NXT and Kinetica in the past.

If you are still unsure please feel free to ask us when you are in the gym which if any supplements might benefit your training and goals.

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