Tuesday, 15 October 2013

To prep or not to prep that is the question?

“Prepare to fail if you fail to prepare”. We have all heard this at some point in time from trainers, other gym goers or TV fitness personalities, but how does this apply to us? Can it help us to achieve our goal of a healthier life style? Preparation doesn’t just begin and end with putting out the gym cloths the night before or booking a training session. Preparation in the kitchen is just as important and key part of achieving your fitness goals.

As a busy working mom and regular gym nut the ability to prep for the day or week ahead has been the biggest life saver in my fight for a better, stronger body. A few hours dedicated to planning out my food for the week has eliminated one less thing to worry or stress over. I know when the kids running amuck and I have a zillion things to do that my meals are ready at a moments notice. I know when, what and how much to eat with minimal cooking required. I know you must be sitting there thinking I am crazy or all this sounds like to much time and effort but it’s worth it. Through trail and error I have found it really comes down to 3 simple steps. Step 1 meal planning and recipe research, step 2 the weekly/monthly shop, step 3 cooking and storage.

Step 1 Meal planning and Recipe research:

The key to step 1 is to keep it simple and find a system that works for you. Once a week sit down for 20 to 30 minutes and figure out how many of each meal you need to plan for. If you have been given a meal plan half of this step has been done for you. I find it easier to this on a weekly basis because it can be difficult trying to keep track of meals for thirty days at a time. Also when you do it weekly it allows for flexibility with your eating, just case things such as birthdays or special occasions come up. When you have all meals and snacks counted up take some time look around at different recipes. Try using magazines, websites, food blogs, cookbooks or even recommendations from friends. By doing this you get a chance to make tasty food that keeps you interested and satisfied. Write out each day’s food meal by meal. Make sure to include with how much and what time they are to be eaten if necessary. I use a pre done calendar page that has individual boxes for each day of the week.

You can pick these up at most office supply stores or most word programmes has a template for this. You can always just use ordinary paper and write it out day by day. Post it some where in the kitchen so it can be seen at a moments notice for quick reference. Mine is on fridge since I tend to visit that area first.
Just with this one step alone you will save money by buying only what you need for your meals, prevent possible waste of product, eliminate any confusion about what to eat and help to withstand temptation from other foods that aren’t so great for you.

Step 2 Food shopping:

We have all been there at some point in time, standing in the aisle of the grocery store staring blankly at a wall of food trying to remember what we came in for. This has happened more times than I care to admit. I’m now an advocate of the shopping list. Did you know it has been proven that people who use a list for the food shopping are 90% more likely to buy only what they need, save money and stick to there healthy eating plans. Just 5-10 minutes to look in the cupboard and jot down what is needed and your good to go. If you don’t want to write it there are many handy apps such as out of milk for your phone to make shopping easier.

If you go to more than one shop to buy your goods I suggest you write out what you need from each shop in order to eliminate confusion. Make sure to include how much you need of certain products to guarantee your good to go for the week. Take the time and think about what you really need, this will not only save you money but prevent unnecessary waste. Once you’re confident you’re good to go check, check and re check so that you’re not left look at the cheese aisle wondering if you need cheddar or swiss. I would suggest having snack before going to eliminate random purchases of possible unhealthy foods due to hungry eye syndrome. List in hand and trolley ready to go you’re now ready to shop. Once in there stay strong, stick to the list. When you feel weak ask your self is it necessary or am I just hungry or thirsty, and visualise the new you. Hopefully this will help you say no to that sticky bun and yes to the apple just down the way.

Step 3 Preparations and Storage:

Ok you got your shopping put away, you stuck to the list, your food plan is on the fridge, and you feel like a super hero so now what? Well my friend fire up the oven, get your apron on and make a cuppa tea caus this is when the magic happens. With 2-3 hours moderate work you can have most your meals done and dusted and ready for the freezer for the week. If you have the room in your freezer or have a chest freezer you can make meals for the next 4-6 weeks of you chose to. Start by working out what order things need to be done in. Use your time wisely and get organized. Slice and dice veggies or fruit, cut the meat to what ever size needed and get any herbs or spices out so that you’re ready to start cooking. This process usually takes me about 30-40 minutes depending on how much I am cooking.
Don’t be afraid to multi task. While the onions for the curry are softening in the pain slice up the veg for another meal. If the stew is to simmer for 40 minutes start putting together smoothie packs for the freezer. You would be amazed with a little organization how much you can get done in a short space time.

Now that you have finished preparing your healthy, tasty meals it is time to think about storage. I tend to use a combination of freezer safe bags and storage containers.
Freezer bags take up less room and can be re used a few times before needing new ones, while ridged containers are better for chunky items that may cause a tear in the bag. I really like the stand and store bags you can get at Aldi from time to time or you can order various size ones from Lakeland.com but any freezer bag will do. Place the portion that is needed into your chosen container, label it. Make sure to put the date it was prepared on for future food rotation and you’re good to go.

Now when Thursdays curry comes around all you got to do is pull it out a few hours before hand to defrost and wham a tasty dinner in minutes. If bulk cooking isn’t your thing try placing individual cuts of meat or fish in freezer bags with the marinade or spices so it will be ready to use straight from freezer. Cut up all your fruit place it in a freezer bag so all you got to do is pull it out of the freezer and ta-dah smoothies in no time flat. Fill a decent sized Tupperware container with water and place pre cut celery and carrot sticks for a minimal fuss snack. These will keep for one week in the fridge and is even handy for the little guys. Try using small sandwich bags to store pre portioned nuts and dried fruit for a handy on the go snack that fits neatly into your hand bag to avoid food hunger slumps. Aah but what about the items that needs to be prepared on the day you ask, well unfortunately you cant prep everything but getting the bulk of it out of the way helps. Just think all it takes is few hours out of your day to save you countless stressful ones in the kitchen. Good luck and happy prepping.

Author: Christina Murphy

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Amy Week 3 (Strength and Muscle Challenge)

Right, back from holidays and its time to get stuck into it! Had a great week this week at the gym, did 4 good sessions and I made it to spinning on Saturday morning. I can feel myself getting stronger, can see my body starting to change and I'm beginning to enjoy feeling sore the following day!

I  got to meet one of the other girls in the competition (hello Sinead!) and we trained together for the first time. I also had the pleasure of being trained by Debbie and Mikey and got great support tips encouragement from everyone!

Anthony wrote out a diet plan for me on Monday. 
My diet is my down fall.
I will turn up for gym sessions give 100% but I find sticking to the diet a lot harder!
I was great from Monday to Friday but I was a bit naughty at the weekend because it was my sons birthday. 
I've always known you can't out train a bad diet so I know I'm only fooling myself . 
I wasn't prepared yesterday I had no good food cooked and the cakes etc were just too easy and there right in front of me! I'm gonna buy seal tight lunch boxes tomorrow ( P.s. no Anthony I've no left over Chinese cartons ha! ) and buy chicken veg in bulk and prep my weeks worth of meals. Another saying ringing in my head is " Fail to prepare, prepare to fail" this is definitely true in my case! 
Plus I had 2 drinks today watching the Cork match!! It drives me mental thinking I might have undone all hard work by eating bad at the weekend I really need to focus and stop  thinking weekends/parties etc are excuses for me to eat what I want! Anyways I'm looking forward to the week ahead and adding some more cardio into my sessions ! 
This is my last week off before I return to placement and college so I'm gonna enjoy being able to go the gym anytime I want!

Sarah Week 3(Strength and Muscle Building)

This week has been a good week! I've had more energy,strength and drive.
I'm getting that feel good "buzz" at the end of my workouts and I love it! It's Addictive!
Note to self though - Do not attempt to put on mascara after a tough chest and triceps session!!
I learned this the hard way!
 Anyway i'm now gong into my workouts knowing I can lift the weight instead of thinking "can I?"
A positive attitude makes a huge difference and it has boosted my confidence!

My shoulders and upper back have more definition now and I am working on the rest as we head into week 4. I've sorted my nutrition out and no longer feel tired due to lack of carbs. I now know I need good carbs at the right times to give me the energy to train hard and for life in general. Yes Anthony I know "Carbohydrates are the bodies favorite fuel source".

The workouts are still tough but giving myself little goals each day is helping me to get closer to the end result. Getting advise and explanations from Anthony and Mikey helps me visualize what I need to do and why. They know their stuff and I know I'm safe in their hands.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Week 2 of 10 (Strength and Muscle Building)

The second week of the challenge saw one of the girls on Holiday and the other two working their socks off in the gym! ( No pressure next week Amy). I will say though that each of the girls are giving their all in training sessions. Their strength has increased already and more importantly their bodies have adapted to recovering quicker from the tough sessions.
For these first 4 weeks we are trying to increase strength across the board by lifting heavy weights for a max of 8 reps and using mostly compound exercises. Compound exercises work several muscle groups at once, and include movement around two or more joints. For example, in the back Squat, movement occurs(But is not limited to) around the hip, knee and ankle joints. This exercise is primarily used to develop the quadriceps, but it also involves the hamstrings, glutes and calves. Compound exercises are generally similar to the ways that people naturally push, pull and lift objects. When it comes to isolation exercises we are opting for 3 or 4 sets of 10 -12 reps depending on the muscle group being worked and only using 2 -3 isolation exercises per day. The weeks training split is:
  1. Chest and Triceps
  1. Back and Biceps
  1. Legs
  1. Shoulders, Traps and Abs
This gives the girls 4 days per week in the gym with plenty of time to recover for the next session for that body part. Recovery is essential for adaptation to occur and this should be the aim of any gym or sports program! What doesn't challenge you doesn't change you!
Anyway that's enough rambling from me, Lets hear from the girls:

This week is gonna be short and sweet! I was away on holidays and had a ball! I have however no photographic evidence of being at the gym because ....... I didn't go oops! In my defense it was a good trek from where we were staying and I did go for jogs/walks as it suited me better with my son etc. I'm full of excuses I know! I'm back at it anyway and I'm going to go hell for leather!

The weeks are absolutely flying by! I’m sure you’ll all be glad to know the pains have decided to
no longer make walking/eating/sitting/lying down a torturous task. Knowing and feeling you are 
getting stronger, even just a little, is the best motivation and reward. 
Another thing I have discovered, and Anthony can definitely back me up here, is that me and 
weights means SWEAT!!! I mean I actually made what was referred to as a sweat angel the 
other day!! So must be doing something right!
Going into next week I really want to work on getting my form right when lifting...if you’re gonna 
do something might as well do it like a pro. So at the end of week 2 I’m actually starting to 
enjoy the sessions (even managing to laugh once or twice, even if it was at my involuntary arm 
Here goes week 3!!

After completing week 1 I thought "Great! that's the sore bit over with! I can look forward to getting nice and toned without the pain" I was wrong! Now to be fair I am seeing a difference in my muscle tone already which I am delighted with but week 2 hurts almost as much as week 1! But the weights increased this week and I was pleasantly surprised that I could lift them! I struggled with some but I persisted , just to wipe the smile off Anthony's face! I don't do cute Anthony!
Nutrition has been more of a challenge for me this week. It's hard to get the balance right and making sure I eat enough of the right foods.My protein intake had to increase to help my body recover from the hard workouts and carbs reduced a little but not taken out completely. I am also trying to get in more good fats and fiber too.What I have realized is that it is very important to eat properly to fuel yourself, or else you'll end up taking an afternoon nap on a Saturday afternoon like I did.
This challenge is not for the fainthearted. You need commitment and determination. Just as we all studied hard to get good exam results in school you need to work hard in the gym to get the body you want. So don't forget to bring your commitment, determination and a good dose of encouragement! The latter of which Anthony and Mikey provide!

So there it is, a few thought's and insight from our hard working girls. You might be think my god they are going through torture and they sound like they are in agony all the time!! What the girls are experiencing is a condition known as DOMS(Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). 

The soreness is perceived as a dull, aching pain in the affected muscle, often combined with tenderness and stiffness. The pain is typically felt only when the muscle is stretched, contracted or put under pressure, not when it is at rest. This tenderness, a characteristic symptom of DOMS, is also referred to as "muscular mechanical hyperalgesia".
Although there is variance among exercises and individuals, the soreness usually increases in intensity in the first 24 hours after exercise. It peaks from 24 to 72 hours, then subsides and disappears up to seven days after exercise. 

The soreness is caused by eccentric exercise, that is, exercise consisting of eccentric (lengthening) contractions of the muscle. Isometric (static) exercise causes much less soreness, and concentric (shortening) exercise causes none. It does happen and it is painful at times but it is a sign of adaptation, a sign of progress.

Onward and upwards ladies. only a couple of weeks of heavy lifting left and then we focus on tempo and the mind muscle connection for every rep! Fun times ahead!!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Another Strong Lady!

Our third and final contestant for the strength and muscle gain competition is Amy!
Now Amy did start a week before the other two girls because she had a holiday booked and I wanted to make some progress and do some good work before a holiday blow out!

I've always been interested in lifting weights. I nearly fell off the Treadmill a million times spying on what people were doing in the weights area. Of course I never dared to enter, I just used one or two of the machines nice and light because I didn't want to get big muscles lol! So when I saw BFits post on Facebook I was delighted thought it was my chance to see what all the fuss was about!

 So off I went to get measured weighed etc, being honest I thought this was going to be a walk in the park it had to be easier than jogging the bypass! Oh god how I was wrong!I could not believe how under educated I was when it came to the benefits of not only lifting but lifting heavy! I always thought I was fairly strong having been referred to most of my life as " A fine strong girl"  but I was weak especially my upper body! During the first week if I had a euro for every time Anthony told me "your going to be sore tomorrow" I could have taken a trip to the Harley medical group and all my troubles would be over ( JOKE I would never resort to plastic surgery to get the body of my dreams unless I win the euro millions! ). Of course Anthony was right and I was in AGONY! I went on a camping trip that first weekend with my family and here's the list of things I couldn't do or had serious trouble doing : tie up or wash my hair or even move my hands above my head, get in or out of the car, drive, bend  down, sit on the toilet, pitch the bloody tent. My family were saying I was mad and that fella in the gym has me working too hard but I kept going! I can't say I enjoyed the pain that first week i thought it was torture!The support I'm getting is great and Anthony is always there motivating me making sure i give 100% because if I'm honest I've a tendency to give in when the going gets tough so this is where ill be challenged most!  I'm off to Lanzorate in the morning and I intend on doing at least 3 days at the gym! Everyone thinks its hilarious and that i wont go but I will prove them wrong ! Ill even take photographic evidence to prove I was there!

I will be looking for that photographic evidence when you get back!!

Check back next week to stay up to date with how the girls are doing.

These Girls are Strong!!

Here is a blog entry from week one from our second Strength and Muscle Gain Challenge!
Make no mistake these girls are on a journey that is going to change their view on exercise and nutrition!
I'm delighted at how hard they have all pushed themselves so far. Yes they are in pain from DOMS(delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) but this is to be expected when you push your body past it's current ability in order for it to adapt into a stronger leaner body!

I also appreciate that these girls have put enough trust in me to work as hard as they are.
Week 2 should bring you less pain and more ability and that's how we are gonna progress! 4 - 6 weeks of increasing your strength and the remainder of the 10 weeks focusing on reducing body fat through weight Training!

I’ll admit it, this week I genuinely thought my body may shut down completely out of pain! My 

constant mantra of ‘no pain, no gain’ only just silenced the screaming from every muscle fibre. But 

aside from all those scary side-effects, to see yourself go from lifting the tv remote to Russian dead 

lifts is something no body pains can take away. It’s those little (or not so little) accomplishments that 

drive you to push yourself a little further.

I think everyone thinks/hopes they’re a little fitter than they are in reality, well this strength and 

muscle gain challenge will without a doubt laugh in your face and bring you to the floor in a shakey 

sweaty heap!! Only after this knock down is going to come the steady building up that I cannot wait 


Week 2 Starts for Sinead today! I m expecting some initial strength gains this week Sinead. 
No Pressure :-) 

Friday, 23 August 2013

Ladies Muscle Gain Challenge

We are looking at keeping yo all up to date with the progress of the 3 ladies who have taken on our strength and muscle gaining challenge. The aim of the challenge is to prove that you can completely change your body shape and look better by lifting heavy weights! Women are generally scared of looking "too muscular" etc... But in reality you will most likely have to be supplementing with either a testosterone booster or even testosterone itself in order to achieve the bulky look because women simply do not produce enough of this hormone to stimulate huge muscle growth. Instead you will grow strong lean muscle, you will look healthier and even though the scales will most likely not show it you will loads loads of body fat! Simply put more muscle equals higher metabolic rate which keeps you slimmer for longer!

The challenge is 10 weeks long with the girls doing at least 4 sessions per week. Each session focuses on a different body part which allows a full week for most muscles to fully recover. At the end of the challenge we compare before and after measurements and photographs to determine a winner! Plus as a bonus each of the girls are putting €10 per week into a prize kitty for the winner to take away! Let the fun Begin!

So here is the post from one of the ladies with her experiences on week 1:

Sarah Daly
Week 1
I love a challenge. I love to see how far I can push myself and if i end up with pain in my muscles ,so sore I can hardly lift a cup of tea, or my legs left feeling like rubber with the thought of walking up and down the stairs horrifying me then all the better. It's a good pain. Its a good fatigue, because i know have worked hard. I know the results will be worth it in the end.
This first week has been a baptism of fire. I thought I was fit and tht it would be easy. I was wrong. I have been taken out of my comfort boy both Anthony and Mikey, and pushed HARD.
I've been weighed, measured poked prodded, made lift weights I never thought I could and been left on the floor with a puddle of sweat around me. And I love it.
But I couldnt do it without the support encouragement and the odd shout from Anthony and Mikey. They believe I can do it, so now I know I can.

Check back often for updates and for blogs on training and nutrition!